Monday, August 23, 2010


Work isn't getting better had a coworker go on that I was unprofessional for going to my boss about my problems with my other co-worker and somehow dealt with it myself. How the hell would I do that???? She has a trust issue talking won't solve it I've been trying for some time to solve it, it won't work. Even when I provide her with the truth she believes its not. So how can I resolve anything with a person like that? So now this together co-worker is making things uncomfortable and he seems to be blaming me for my boss being fired. All I want to do is my damn job and go home, but they seem to want to make my day hellish.

Friday, August 20, 2010


What an awful weak this was. I'm not going to go into full details its all work related and not a big fan of saying to much ion the net when its work related. all I will say is started out by someone who has a tendency when something goes wrong flies of and starts accusing that someone else is intentionally doing it to make her look bad and usually she says its me. For those who really know me should at least have some idea that I couldn't do that! I never want to do anything that can have big negative effect on another person. I would literally have anxiety attack after attack. So yes its hard trying to do your job and having someone scream at you that your sabotaging her. The strange thing in all of this is I don't hate her I feel... sorry for her. Must have had some really bad experinces in your past that you have this must trouble trusting anyone.

Anyways my boss gets let go today for I dunno why heard rumors but thats jsut uit rumors. part of it dealing with above problem saying he could not manage his peopel. i don't knwo this whole thing is frustraing na dI keep worrying myself wondering if i could have done something differently to have changed all of this? :/

Just gald I ahve something fun to do tomorrow my cousin Angie is getting married and her birdal shower is tomorrow I need some of my crazy aunts to get me in a better mood!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Clash of the Titans

I haven't written in this for a bit just been busy with work and life. That and I really haven't had anything exciting happened the past while just the same old normal day to day routine. I also have not watched any new movies as of late finally sat down and watched one, well kind of sat down and watched one found better things to do then watch it. Anyways it was the new version of Clash of the Titans. Figured it would be fun to write down what I thought of it. Though trying to think of anything positive about the movie will be difficult.

Ok first of I am really getting sick and tired of movies that go overboard with CGI. The story gets lost and all you see is flashy special effects that just want to scream out look what we can do! And when I say flashy I mean flashy the Zues was literally flashy all the time, looked really strange. the monsters where a bit over the top CGI to I mean the kraken you could not even tell the shape of it half the time. It was as if they were half assed about it . Hey lets do really, really big close ups of Perseus fighting the Kraken because the lower body we never designed! All you could see was a small part of body and tentacles flying all about. probably was for he 3D effect which is worthless once its out of theaters. And ok sometimes worthless in theaters. I'll admit I'm not ha big 3D fan. the main tricks they do on it are so silly. Lets throw something at you kind of thing. It was cute the first hundred times but enough is enough. The worst part is, it does not translate well once released to DVD those parts look stupid (Parts of Monsters Vs. Aliens drove me nuts because of that).

Ok back to the movie. The story was muddles and skippy. Felt like they just wanted to show cool creatures that they made instead of having an actually storyline. For me to like a movie it absolutely needs a storyline and decently developed characters. If it doesn't have that then its a no go. Also this has Greek mythology in it is it that hard to stick to it? i mean really. When was Medusa ever in the underworld, she always lived on an island. I know its a small thing but it bugs me. not as bad as pegasus though. I'll admit I couldn't stand the idea that they made a Pegasus black. Maybe its silly but I love mythological horses and changing them drives me up the wall. Now my husband did keep teasing me about this one saying you racisit and what a brother can't have a part in the movie :p. I did have hubby laughing because each time the pegasus was on screen I kept saying stupid horse.

I really can not find anything about this movie that I liked even the main character bugged me. Sam Worthington does not fit the part of a ancient Greek eh didn't even have the right hair cut. Greeks had long hair not buzz cuts! He wasn't a Roman. *Deep breath* ok I'm done. I'll just say I'd give this movie 1 out of 5 stars just because only really, really specially bad movies get 0 stars from me.