Friday, October 5, 2012

No words

Its a rough time in the IHH heart community.  sitting here debating how to write this just as Monty Python said Life's a piece of shit. A little girl who received a new heart when she was a baby at 4 years old flew to Disney World, for her make a wish. The day she was suppose to see Minnie she ended up in the hospital instead.  She was in rejection and her heart was in bad shape. She went into to have a cath something went horribly wrong. She was put onto life support. Tonight they have determined that she is brain dead. Instead of playing in Disney world with there little girl her family is now saying good bye. There blog.

 I'm going to end this post with a quote from another heart mom its how we are all feeling right now:
I feel like the world should stop and pay attention to these heart kiddies that are fighting so hard. All the news stations should be talking about these heart kiddies. But the world keeps going. There is no fan fair, no rallies, no public outcry. But today the world is filled with private broken hearts, pleading prayers, simple expressions of love and support. The things that were important yesterday, like what to make for dinner and whether my kitchen is clean, just don't matter. Today is for spending cuddle time with family, sincere prayer and reminding people that they are loved.


Kerrigan said...

Heather I know this is so sad. Life is so precious. Thanks for sharing.

Blessed Rain said...

We say yes to organ donation, the thought of helping someone else in the midst of our sorrow is, frankly not helpful - at that moment.

However, years later knowing that because we said yes when mama died - two people who had been blind - one from birth could now see(again.)
Is wonderful.

For this family though, my heart breaks.
When you are planning for such a great time, so happy, so full of hope, to then end with the worst possible moments a mother could ever have, is horrible.
(no time though is ever the "right" time to lose someone.)

There are no words but I'm sorry and they are so inadequate.